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Professional Teeth Whitening is the Quickest Way to Looks Years Younger

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Professional Teeth Whitening is the Quickest Way to Looks Years Younger

Yellowed, stained teeth can make you look older than you are. Fortunately, you can easily turn back the clock with professional teeth whitening.

When you think about things that make you look older, your mind probably immediately goes to gray hair and wrinkles. But other factors contribute to your aging, like a stooped posture or yellow teeth. 

While we can’t slow the passage of time, Aishwarya Kumar, DDS, and our team at Aqua Dentistry in San Jose, California, can help you undo at least one of the physical signs of aging: a less-than-pearly-white smile. With our professional teeth-whitening options, we can help you get brighter teeth for a younger-looking appearance. 

Your age and your teeth

Through the years, the enamel on the outer layer of your teeth gets thinner. The enamel is white, but the layer under it — called dentin — is yellow. As the enamel thins, the dentin becomes increasingly visible, contributing to a yellower smile as you get older.

On top of that, most of us consume plenty of tooth-staining substances like coffee, wine, and cola. The more we eat and drink that can discolor our enamel, the less our teeth look white.

All told, most people deal with tooth staining and yellowing as they get older. While good oral hygiene can help to slow this age-related change, if your teeth don’t look white anymore, you’re not alone.

Fortunately, Dr. Kumar offers multiple ways for you to reverse this unwelcome alteration. 

Undoing aging with teeth whitening

With our teeth-whitening options, we can lift stains and restore your smile’s brightness. This can help you look years younger.

Here at our office, Dr. Kumar offers two tooth-whitening choices. If you want dramatic results fast, she recommends in-office whitening. This process takes about 45 minutes, during which you relax comfortably in a chair, and you leave our office with a smile that’s several shades whiter.

Alternatively, Dr. Kumar can also provide you with an at-home whitening kit. The solution we use is safer and more effective than store-bought tooth whiteners, helping you turn back the clock without damaging your enamel or harming your gums. 

If you’re not sure which type of whitening would be best for you, talk with Dr. Kumar. She can explore the options with you to figure out which is best for your smile goals and your schedule. 

At the end of the day, your smile plays a big role in your overall appearance. You don’t have to let it get yellower and more stained through the years. To see what professional teeth whitening can do for you, contact our team at Aqua Dentistry. Call our office at 408-668-1914 or book your appointment online today.